UDP Communication Test
Two executables, udpserver and
udptest, will be created in the directory after compilation. You
should start the server process at first, except udptest(client)
runs as UDP traffic generator. The command line options:
UDP server usage: udpserver
$ udpserver [-v] [-p port]
[-p port] Port number for TCP
listening (0 picked by system), 5678 by default.
[-v] Verbose mode. Disable by
UDP client usage: udptest -h
host [options]
$ udptest -h host [-vacdeiP] [-p
port] [-A rtt] [-b buffer] [-B buffer] [-m msssage] [-q qos] [-l
datagram] [-d data] [-t time] [-r repeat] [-o output] [-T
[-a] UDP Round Trip Time (RTT or
latency) test.
[-A rtt-size] UDP RTT (latency)
test with specified message size.
[-b buffer] Client UDP buffer
size in bytes. Using system default value if not defined.
[-B buffer] Server UDP buffer
size in bytes. The same as cleint's by default.
[-c] CPU log option. Tracing
system info during the test. Only available when output is
- [-d data-size] Data size of
each read/write in bytes. The same as packet size by default.
- [-e] Exponential test (data
size of each sending increasing from 1 byte to packet size).
- [-g] UDP traffic generator
(Keep sending data to a host). Work without server's support.
- [-h host] Hostname or IP
address of UDP server. Must be specified.
- [-i] Bidirectional UDP
throughput test. Default is unidirection stream test.
- [-l datagram] UDP datagram
(packet) size in bytes ( < udp-buffer-szie ). 1460 by default.
- [-m message] Total message
size in bytes. 1Mbytes by default.
- [-o output] Output file
- [-p port] Port number of UDP
server. 5678 by default.
- [-P] Write the plot file for
gnuplot. Only enable when the output is specified.
- [-q qos] Define the TOS
field of IP packets. Six predefined values can be used for
this setting:
- 1: (IPTOS)-Minimize delay
2: (IPTOS)-Maximize throughput
- 3: (DiffServ)-Class1 with
low drop probability 4: (DiffServ)-class1 with high drop
- 5: (DiffServ)-Class4 with
low drop probabiltiy 6: (DiffServ)-Class4 with high drop
- [-r repeat] Repetition of
tests. 10 by default.
- [-t time] Test time
constraint in seconds. 5 by default.
- [-T throughput] Throughput
constraint for UDP generator or throughput test. Unlimited by
- [-v] Verbose mode. Disable
by default.
NOTE: Input (except -T)
supports the postfix of "kKmM", 1K=1024, 1M=1024x1024.
Throughput constraint option (-T): 1K=1000, 1M=1000000.
With plot option (-P), when an
"output" file is specified, an "output.plot" file will also be
created for plotting. Use "gnuplot ouput.plot" to plot the data.
With CPU option (-c), when an "output" file is specified, "output.c_log"
and "output.s_log" files store the system information of client
and server, respectively.
UDP Round Trip Time (latency)
test is just a UDP version of "ping". RTT is too short to be
measured in HPC environments, so we repeat RTT test many times
and get the average of RTTs.
A UPD throughput test is done
when both of the conditions are satisfied: message size AND test
time. So the actual size of sent message could be greater than
the message size you specify if the test time is large.
In UPD throughput tests,
message size (-m option) specifies the total amount of data to
be sent. Messages are actually sent by small pieces (defined by
-d option) that must be smaller than datagram (packet) size. In
exponential tests, the sending size increases exponentially from
1 byte to the datagram (packet) size; while in the fixed-size
tests, the size of each sending is always the same as datagram
(packet) size. Most systems have a 64KB maximum size limit of
UDP datagram (packet).
UDP traffic generator keeps
sending UDP packets to a remote host that is unnecessary running
as server. Better to pick an unused port for this test. You can
specify the throughput to be sent (-T option). Be aware that
this test may affect target host's performance.
If CPU and system monitoring
option (-c) is defined, both client and server's CPU and memory
usages (Maximum 8 CPUs supported for SMP systems), network
interface statistics and its interrupts to each CPU will be
recorded. Currently this option is only available for Linux
1. Start server process
[server] $ udpserver
2. Start client process
Example 1: [client] $ udptest
-ah server
UDP Round Trip Time (latency)
Example 2: [client] $ udptest
-h server
UDP throughput test with
default set of parameters (Port: 5678, test-time: 5,
test-repeat: 10, Message-size: 1Mbytes, packet-size: 1460,
send-size: 1460)
Example 3: [server] $
udpserver -p 3000
[client] $ udptest -vh server -p 3000 -b 1M -m 10m -l 20k -t 2
-r 20 -o output.txt
Repeat throughput tests by 20
times with communication port of 3000; store results in "output.txt";
buffer-size: 1MB, message-size: 10MB, test-time: 2 Seconds,
packet-size: 20KB
Example 4: [client] $ udptest
-eP -h server -b 100k -o output.txt
Exponential throughput test
for buffer size of 100KB, writing output and plot file.
Example 5: [client] $ udptest
-gh abc.com -T 10M -t 30
Keep sending UDP data to the
target host by 10Mbps throughput for 30 seconds.
TCP Communication Test
Two executables, tcpserver and
tcptest, will be created in the directory after compiplation.
You should start the server process at first. The command line
TCP server usage:
tcpserver [options]
$ tcpserver [-v] [-p port]
- [-p port] Port number for
TCP listening (0 picked by system), 5677 by default.
- [-v] Verbose mode. Disable
by default.
TCP clinet usage: tcptest
-h host [options]
$ tcptest -h host [-vanicCNP]
[-p port] [-A rtt-size] [-e exponent] [-b buffer] [-B buffer]
[-q qos] [-M MSS] [-d data] [-m message] [-r repeat] [-t time]
[-f sendfile] [-I iteration] [-o output]
- [-a] Test the TCP Round Trip
Time (RTT). Ignore all other options if defined.
- [-A test-size] TCP RTT test
with specified message size.
- [-b buffer-size] TCP buffer
(windows) size in bytes. System default if not defined.
- [-B buffer] Server UDP
buffer size in bytes. The same as cleint's by default.
- [-c] CPU log option. Tracing
system information during the test. Only availabe when output
is defined.
- [-C] Turn on socket's
TCP_CORK option (avoid sending partial frames). Disable by
- [-d data-size] Data size of
each read/write in bytes. The same as packet size by default.
- [-e n] Exponential tests
with message size increasing exponentially from 1 to 2^n.
- [-f sendfile] Sendfile test.
Memory mapping is used to reduce the workload. Disable by
- [-h host-name] Hostname or
IP address of server. Must be specified.
- [-i] Bidirectional UDP
throuhghput test. Default is unidirection stream test.
- [-I iteration] Iteration of
sending/receiving for each test. Auto-determined by default.
- [-m message-size] Message
size in bytes. 65536 by default.
- [-M MSS-size] Maximum Segent
Size in bytes (MTU-40 for TCP). System default if not defined.
- [-n] Non-blocking
communication. Blocking communication by default.
- [-N] Turn on socket's
TCP_NODELAY option (disable Nagel algorithm). Disable by
- [-o output] Output file
- [-p port-number] Server's
port number. 5677 by default.
- [-P] Write the plot file for
gnuplot. Only enable when the output is specified.
- [-q qos] Define the TOS
field of IP packets. Six predefined values can be used for
this setting:
- 1: (IPTOS)-Minimize delay
2: (IPTOS)-Maximize throughput
- 3: (DiffServ)-Class1 with
low drop probability 4: (DiffServ)-class1 with high drop
- 5: (DiffServ)-Class4 with
low drop probabiltiy 6: (DiffServ)-Class4 with high drop
- [-r repeat] Repetition of
tests. 10 by default.
- [-t test-time] Test time in
seconds. Disable if iteration is sepcified. 5 by default.
- [-v] Verbose mode. Disable
by default.
NOTE: Input supports the
postfix of "kKmM", 1k=1024, 1M=1024x1024.
With plot option (-P), when an
"output" file is specified, an "output.plot" file will also be
created for plotting. Use "gnuplot ouput.plot" to plot the data.
With CPU option (-c), when an "output" file is specified, "output.c_log"
and "output.s_log" files store the system information of client
and server, respectively.
The TCP RTT (latency) test is
just a TCP version of "ping". RTT is too short to be measured in
HPC environments, so we repeat RTT test many times and get the
average of RTTs. In the TCP tests, message size (-m option)
specifies the amount of data to be sent each time.
The iteration of
sending/receiving for a test time (-t option) is determined by
an evaluation test, so the actually test time could vary
slightly. In exponential test, message size increases
exponentially from 1 byte to a large number (-e option). Be
aware that there is a minimum number of iteration, and the test
time might be much greater than what you specify if the message
size is very large.
If CPU and system monitoring
option (-c) is defined, both client and server's CPU and memory
usages (Maximum 8 CPUs supported for SMP systems), network
interface statistics and its interrupts to each CPU will be
recorded. Currently this option is only available for Linux
1. Start server process
[server] $ tcpserver
2. Start client process
Example 1: [client] $ tcptest
-ah server
TCP Round Trip Time (RTT)
test. A TCP version of ping.
Example 2: [client] $ tcptest
-h server
TCP blocking stream test with
default set of parameters, verbose off, no result writing.
Example 3: [server] $
tcpserver -p 3000
[client] $ tcptest -vn -h server -p 3000 -b 100k -m 10m -t 2
-r 20 -o output.txt
Repeat non-blocking stream
tests by 20 times with communication port of 3000. Buffer
size: 100K, message size: 10M, test time: 2 Seconds, store
results in "output.txt".
Example 4: [client] $ tcptest
-e 20 -vh server -b 100k -o output.txt
Exponential stream test for
buffer size of 100 KB with verbose mode with message size
increasing exponentially from 1 Byte to 1 MByte (2^20).
Communication Test
To compile the MPI benchmark (mpi
directory), you need a MPI implementation installed, such as
MPICH or LAM/MPI. And you should define the MPI compiler in the
makefile. Most MPI implementations have a script named mpicc to
do this job. An executable file mpitest will be created when
compilation is finished. To run the mpitest, you should run the
program with another script named mpirun, or submit the job to a
high level queuing systems like RMS and LSF. For MPICH, the
command line options of mpitest:
MPI test: mpirun -np 2
mpitest [options]
$ mpirun -np 2 mpitest [-acinP]
[-A size] [-e exponent] [-m message] [-o output] [-r repeat] [-t
- [-a] Round Trip Time
(latency) test. Disable by default.
- [-A RTT-size] Specify the
message size in bytes for RTT (latency) test.
- [-c] CPU log option. Tracing
system information during the test. Only available for Linux
- [-e n] Exponential tests
with message size increasing exponentially from 1 to 2^n.
Disable by default.
- [-i] Ping-pong
(bidirectional) test. Stream (unidirectional) test by default.
- [-m message-size] Message
size by bytes (1M by default). Disable in exponential tests.
- [-n] Non-blocking
communication. Blocking communication by default.
- [-o output] Write test
results to a file. Disable by default.
- [-P] Plot file for gnuplot.
Only enable when the output is specified. Disable by default.
- [-r repeat] Repeat tests
many times. Disable in exponential tests. 10 times by default.
- [-t test-time] Specify test
time by seconds. 5 seconds by default.
NOTE: Input supports the
postfix of "kKmM". 1k=1024, 1M=1024x1024.
Example1: $ mpirun -np 2
Throughput stream test with
default parameters.
Example2: $ mpirun -np 2
mpitest -e 20
Exponential stream
(unidirectional) test, message size from 1 byte to 2^20 (1M)
Example3: $ mpirun -np 2
mpitest -c -m 10m -Po output.txt
Throughput stream test with
10MBytes message size, write result/plot files, log system
Example4: $ mpirun -np 2
mpitest -ni -m 100k -t 3 -r 10
Nonblocking ping-pong test.
Message-size: 100KBytes; test-ime: 3 seconds; repeat 10 times.
Example5: $ mpirun -np 2
mpitest -a -o rtt.txt
MPI Round Trip Time (latency)
test. Write the result to file "rtt.txt".
To use own machine file (MPICH):
$ mpirun -np 2 -machinefile
<machine file> mpitest [options]
or use the p4 procgroup file (MPICH):
$ mpirun -p4pg <p4 procgroup
file> mpitest [options]
There are sample machinefile
and p4pg files in mpi directory. To submit your job to queuing
system such as LSF, refer to the test-mpi.lsf and test-mpi.sh
scripts in testscript directory.
SYSMON - System Resource
Monitor ]
[ TOP ]
Sysmon is a lightweight
Linux-based system resource tracing tool. Although it's not a
benchmark, it's very helpful to trace what is happening in the
kernel level during the benchmarking. The output includes the
CPU and memory usage, swapping, paging and context switches
information, interrupts kernel received, and each network
interface's statistics, which includes interrupts to kernel,
packets and bytes that received and sent in a specified
Sysmon usage: sysmon
$ sysmon [-bhkwW] [-i
interface-name] [-r repeat] [-t test-interval] [-T test-time]
- [-b] Background (daemon)
mode. Only valid when write option is defined.
- [-h] Printout this help
- [-k] Kill the sysmon
background process (daemon). Disable by default.
- [-w] Write all results to a
file. Disable by default.
- [-W] Write statistics of
each network device to separate files. Disable by default.
- [-i interface-name] Define
the network device name (e.g. eth0). Monitor all if no
interface defined.
- [-r repeat] Repetition of
monitoring. 10 times by default.
- [-t test-interval] The
interval (sample time) between each tracing in seconds. 2
seconds by default.
- [-T test-time] The duration
of system monitoring in minutes. Valid only write option
- [-o output] Specify the
output (log) filename. Implies the write option.
NOTE: Default log file
has format of hostname-start-time.log if write option (-w) is
defined and output option (-o) is not defined. If separate write
option (-W) is defined, besides the overall log file "output",
each network interface has its itself log file with name like
"output.eth0". This smaller log file is more readable than the
lengthy overall log file.
You can use command "/sbin/ifconfig"
to check the network devices and their names in your computer.
Possible names: eth0, wlan0, elan0, etc. If your system has some
strange NIC names, you can define them with constant NETNAME in
util.h. We use the name of "loop" for loopback address.
Example1: $ sysmon
Monitor all network devices.
Output has a very long format if the computer has several
network cards.
Example2: $ sysmon -r 100 -t
1 -i eth0 -o net.log
Only monitor the first
Ethernet card, repeat test 100 times with time interval of 1
second, write results to net.log
Example3: $ sysmon -bw -i
eth0 -t 600 -T 10080
Log every 10 minutes for one
week, run process in background (daemon).